Serija webinara: Enterprises 4 Positive Change

webinar kultura, struktura i menaždment

Kao dio edukacijskih aktivnosti projekta Interreg Danube Finance4SocialChange, tim ACT Grupe održat će seriju webinara na teme relevantne za poduzeća koja čine ili namjeravaju napraviti pozitivne promjene u društvu i / ili okolišu. Webinari će se održati na engleskom jeziku.


Monday, 12.10.2020

  • IMPACT FOCUSED STRATEGY (10:00 – 12:00h)
    Trainer: Teo Petričević
    How to achieve greater impact with pivoting your business model and long-term strategy, while moving away from impact washing. 
    Globally challenging and turbulent times highlight the importance of thinking, planning, and doing business systematically. Participants will learn the principles, design, and practice of impact-oriented strategic management, as well as ways of balancing impact and business models in daily operations and in the long-run.
    Trainer: Darko Ciglar
    Why is this a potential and powerful tool for changemakers?
    This webinar will introduce participants to the context, logic, and principles of SIMM, key issues and challenges in the organizational SIMM implementation, which practical tools to use in order to better understand which values we create for our target groups and communities, but also for our organization. If we understand those values and how can we sustainably contribute to re-creating them, we can more easily adapt and (strategically) focus as an organization to contribute to problem-solving and changes.

Tuesday, 13.10.2020

    Trainer: Sanja Živković
    Are you ready to get financed?
    There is a wide range of financing forms and sources available to impact enterprises. Participants will learn what impact investment funds, banks, and foundations ask for and what do they offer. In addition, they will be able to assess their organization’s level of investment readiness.
    Trainer: Vladimir Marić
    How to plan, execute, and grow?
    Participants will master using the Business Model Canvas for business planning, as well as useful and practical advice on managing their business to achieve sustainability.

Wednesday, 14.10.2020

  • GROWTH, TRANSFER & SCALING (10:00 – 12:00h)
    Trainer: Ana Brigović
    The Magic of Robustness
    This webinar will explain the difference between growth and scaling. We will explain what scalability means to your potential investors and what it means for your enterprise’s impact. Webinar leaves you with a core learning and concept on how to thread between the two, and what to aim for.
    (14:00 – 16:00h)
    Trainer: Igor Roginek
    How social enterprises can best communicate their story for greater impact?
    Social entrepreneurs are always in pitch mode and are often very active in promoting their businesses. When it comes to social impact, talking is action. This webinar will introduce the concept of storytelling and show why it matters. Participants will understand how can stories and communication be effective tools to attract impact investments.

For free participation please fill out this Registration Form by Wednesday 07.10.2020.
Registered participants will receive a link to the Zoom meeting.


Dr. Ivana Novaka 38
40000 Čakovec – HR
+385 40 390 047
OIB 17942508126
HR 47 2402 0061 1006 84081

ACT Grupa Zagreb

Zagrebački inovacijski centar
Avenija Dubrovnik 15/1
(paviljon 12), modul 43
10000 Zagreb – HR

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